The Bury's

The Bury's

Friday, September 11, 2015

Saylor 3 months

Age: 3 months

Height: 23 inches

Weight: probably close to 13 pounds  

Head: 38.5    
Milestones: Saylor has started to squeal and blow bubbles at you. She can roll from her sides to her back when placed on her sides. She is almost starting to roll over when placed on her tummy. 
Sleep: Sleep seems to be a little better this month. On good days she will take a 1 1/2 to 2 hour morning and afternoon nap with a 30 or 45 minute late afternoon nap. She continues to sleep good at night on most nights waking up around 2am to eat. She goes down between 7:00 and 7:30 and will usually sleep a long stretch of 5-7 hours then wakes to eat and goes back down for 2-3 hours. I try to get her up at 7:00-7:30 each day. 
Best Moment: I love when she takes long naps because she wakes up happy smiling and cooing. 
Worst Moment: still have fussy days here and there :-(
Health:The doctor said she looks healthy. 
Eating: Eating seems to be much better this month. She will usually take all of her bottles at either 3-5 ounces. At night she takes 6 ounces with rice cereal and a little bit of Karo syrup. 
Teeth: Nope, but drooling a lot and putting her hands in her mouth. 
Extra comments: Saylor is becoming more aware of things and likes to look at the trees move on our walks and black and white toys on her mobiles. She is beginning to find her voice and is starting to make louder sounds. She is starting to reach for and grasp toys. She likes to do ab crunches and try and sit up. I hold her hands and pull her up when she does this and she really thinks she is big stuff!!