Height: 23 inches 64 percentile
Weight: 11.7 lbs 56 percentile
Head: 38.5 33 percentile
Milestones: Saylor has started to smile and talk back and forth making coo sounds at you. She can roll from her sides to her back when placed on her sides.
Sleep: Sleep seems to be similar this month. She still likes taking cat naps and wakes up every 30 or 45 minutes. We can usually get one good 2 hour nap out of her in the afternoon. She sleeps good at night. She goes down between 7:15 and 8pm and will usually sleep a long stretch of 4-6 hours then wakes to eat and goes back down for 2-3 hours. I try to get her up at 7:00-7:30 each day.
Best Moment: I love when she takes long naps because she wakes up happy smiling and cooing.
Worst Moment: only taking cat naps throughout the day. :-(
Health:The doctor said she looks healthy.
Eating: Saylor has had difficulty eating the last few weeks. She sometimes will only take an ounce or refuse to take any. I took out dairy and gassy foods from my diet about a month ago hoping to rule out any food sensitivities. I wasn't sure if that was the issue. We took her to her pediatrician, GI doctor and got an swallow study and x-Ray of her tummy to rule out possibilities. The GI doctor suggested 'thrush' and prescribed a medicine to put in her mouth. I have seen a difference with her taking bottles and she will now eat 3-4 ounces at a time. She still has bouts of fussiness like her tummy hurts, but I am hoping that will change in the next couple months.
Teeth: Nope
Extra comments: Saylor is becoming more aware of things and likes to look at the trees move on our walks and black and white toys on her mobiles. She is beginning to find her voice and is starting to make louder sounds.