The Bury's

The Bury's

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Riding the train

We went to Anthem yesterday to do some shopping at the outlet mall. Avy got to ride the train. We're not really too sure if she liked it or not. 


Avy loves hiking! Now, that the weather is cooling off, we have been able to get out and enjoy the mountains! She likes to pick up rocks, feel the dirt and sand between her hands, or just lay in it! 

14 months

Age: 14 months Height: 28.25, 15% percentile at 12 month appt. Weight: 18.9 pounds at 12 month appt. Head: 45cm, 50% percentile at 12 month appt. Milestones: Avy no longer crawls. She loves to walk everywhere. She is able to walk fast, almost running, but not quite yet. She waves to everyone and will give kisses on occasion. She likes to play with Oso and Zoey and laughs at them quite often. She loves playing in the water and has found that sticking her hand in the toilet is quite fun! She points to things she wants or sees. She knows what cracker, juice, bye bye, walk, bathtime, nighttime, milk mean when spoken to her. She has her own language and enjoys talking to herself or anyone that listens. She can imitate a bark sounds when we say ‘what does oso say’. She imitates a lion roar as well. Her daddy taught her that. Sleep: Avy continues to stay on her sleeping routine. She goes to bed around 7:30pm every night. She will then wake up anywhere from 5:30-6am. She usually doesn’t go back to sleep when she wakes up. Her naps continue to fluctuate depending if she stays home or goes to daycare. She doesn’t take good naps at daycare, but when she is at home, she will usually take two naps during the day. Best Moment: Everyday is a best moment with Avy! She is always learning something new and trying to show us things. She always looks for our approval when she finds something new to play with. Worst Moment: Since Avy started day care, she is getting sick quite often. She always seems to have a running nose, cough, etc. Sometimes I think its allegeries from the weather changing and other times I think she catches something from the other kids. Health: So far, no issues. Eating: Avy loves finger foods. She loves toast, crackers, real green beans, pasta, cut up pears, cut up mango, avocado, real peas, cut up banana, small pieces of chicken, rice crackers, puffs, yogurt puffs and juice. She doesn’t seem to like tthe baby food pouches where she can suck the baby food right out of the pouch anymore. She will let me feed her with a spoon now, or let me load the spoon that way she can feed herself. Teeth: Avy has two molars on the top and two molars coming through on the bottom now. Altogether she now has 12 teeth! Extra comments: Avy is so much fun to watch play and learn. She is such a good little girl and we always get comments on how sweet she is. She isn’t shy and will go up to a lot of different women and hold her hands up like she wants them to pick her up. I’m not sure if that is a good thing!