The Bury's

The Bury's

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

5 months

Age: 5 months Height: 23.5" Weight: over 14lbs I’m sure Head: 40.5" Milestones: Avy can visually track things as they move around the room. She likes to talk, squeal, and blow bubbles. She smiles often and is a pretty happy baby most of the time. She can roll over and enjoys rolling across the floor. She is beginning to really like her jumperoo. She will play in it for 20 minutes or more at a time. She really likes to stand and will use your hands to help pull her up. She also enjoys sitting up and only needs a little support to stay seated. She has found her feet and like to grab and hold onto them. Sleep: Avy has begun to sleep through the night! She usually goes to bed around 7pm and then will sleep anywhere from 7 to 10 hours. When she takes a big bottle before bed, she will sleep the longest. She continues to take naps during the day, but is not on a scheduled routine for naps yet. Best Moment: I think she is beginning to recognize familiar people. When she sees me, she usually always get’s excited! Worst Moment: Avy still has the GERD (acid reflux) issue and continues to spit up a lot of her bottles. She is still on medication which seems to help somewhat. We are hoping that we will see some improvement soon! Health: So far, no issues. Eating: Avy continues to gain weight and look chubby. She continues to take bottles with rice cereal to help with the acid reflux. We started baby foods the day before Thanksgiving. She started off with sweet potatoes. I think she likes them. This week, we started her on squash. She seems to like the squash better then the sweet potatoes. Teeth: Nope, but drooling a lot and consistently putting her hands in her mouth and chewing on toys. Extra comments: Each and every day it seems Avy learns something new! She is really starting to interact with us and seems to know who we are. She is mostly a happy baby and usually only fusses when she is tired and needs to nap. She loves playing with her toys and uses both hands to reach for a toy when placed in front of her. She likes to jump in her jumperoo and sit up in her boppy. She continues to lover her bathtime and has begun to splash the water.